UPDATED ON: 13.02.2025

The use of this website indicates that the user agrees and accepts the following terms and conditions of use:

01 Generally

The content available for downloading from this website, as it is composed of processed, assorted, coded or non-coded texts, informative documents, updates, announcements, news releases, photographic material, graphics, images etc., as a new composite project are all intellectual property of kafeaterra.gr and third-party associates.

Furthermore, the structure of the website and the presentation of its content as well as its distinctive title constitute intellectual property of kafeaterra.gr.

02 Content

The material on the present webpage has been incorporated in good faith and may be used exclusively for informative, research, consulting and recreational purposes.

Modification of terms and conditions of use Kafeaterra.gr reserves the right to modify all the term and conditions of use. The modified terms shall be put into effect from the date of their publication on this web address. The user is requested to regularly refer to and consult the terms and conditions, as in force. The continuation of use of this web address following the modification of certain terms constitutes implied acceptance.

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The authorization concerning use of the content is solely granted for informative, recreational, research and non-commercial purposes to the user. The authorization of electronic access to this website and the use of its content is free under the terms and conditions that are stipulated herein this present announcement.

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kafeaterra.gr ensures the proper authorization concerning the use of any material that has been included on this webpage, intellectual property of other persons or legal entities.

kafeaterra.gr is not liable for any infringement of third-party rights in the case of publication or display of web content from third parties, property of other beneficiaries.

For the protection of intellectual property rights, the beneficiaries may communicate directly with kafeaterra.gr so as to take the necessary measures or directly remove the material for which the holder of the copyright disclaims the specific use or reference of his/her name as the creator of the specific material.

06 Disclaimer

kafeaterra.gr explicitly states and the user accepts that all the material included in the “content” is exclusively aimed for informative, research and recreational purposes and any commercial exploitation of it is strictly prohibited. The entire content is disposed “as is” and without any warranty of any kind as to its continuing validity, the completeness of information, proper updating and publication.

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The selected links to third party websites have been designed to facilitate the user. These links allow the user to exit the website of kafeaterra.gr and to enter other linked websites, which however, are not under the control and liability of the procurer. For this reason, it bears no liability towards the quality and validity of the content of any of the suggested third party websites.

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Any dispute, objection or demand arising from or relating to the present contract is governed by the provisions of greek legislation.

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kafeaterra.gr is not liable for any damage direct or indirect, incidental or consequential, negative deviation, forgone profits, compensation for moral harm or mental distress or for any other damages that may be caused in any way, due to errors, deficiencies, omissions or loss of data during the transmission or use of the present website.

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