KAFEA TERRA, in the context of implementing the requirements of the Rainforest Alliance-Supply Chain, respecting the risks that may arise in all links of the supply chain of agricultural products, the human rights and the need for sustainable development, aiming to poverty reduction, food safety and nutritional value, gender equality, has drawn up and follows the below policy. The policy must be followed and adopted by all partners involved in the production of products conforming to RA requirements.
The company in order to comply with the above, conforms with the following guidelines:
- • OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct
- • OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises or UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights
- • OECD Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains
In this context, the company is committed to the following:
- • Constant search for risks, threats and opportunities that may have a direct impact on its operation and its products, throughout their lifetime. Stakeholders’ needs and expectations are taking into account.
- • Seamless implementation of the complaints process, inside and outside the company, in order to identify any weaknesses and to apply any corrective actions needed.
- • Elimination of racial discrimination, regardless of race, language, gender or sexual orientation, religious and political choices, inside and outside of the company, promoting the role of women through their participation in decision-making and ensuring equal opportunities for development.
- • Respect for human rights, creating appropriate procedures for their protection, inside and outside of the company, based on both international regulations and in national and European legislation.
- • Defending the rights of employees inside and outside the organization, in compliance with the relevant legislation on wage issues, working hours and allowance, as well as maternity issues.
- • Compliance with hygiene and safety rules during the execution of work, in compliance with legal requirements, including food safety issues.
- • Protection of the environment, with respect to the local ecosystem, the proper management of hazardous waste, liquid, and solid waste, as defined by the company's environmental licensing and the good practices for their reduction.
- • Reduction of food waste.
- • Avoiding incidents of corruption/bribery, compliance with tax legislation and avoiding incidents of unfair competition in commercial transactions.
- • Adoption of modern and innovative technology and information technology solutions for the operation of the company, choosing environmentally friendly systems.
All department Managers are committed in the monitoring and invariable implementation of the Management System Processes according to the requirements of Rainforest Alliance Chain of Custody Standard.
Their main concerns are:
- • personnel awareness on standard requirements
- • stakeholders encouragement to make complaints, in case of non-compliance with the provisions of this policy, as well as the food hygiene and safety policy
The objective of KAFEA TERRA is to achieve, maintain and improve its image and credibility in the market by supplying safe, consistent and quality products, compliant with the requirements of the Rainforest Alliance.
— On behalf of the General Manager